Cite as: Wunsch, Stefan; (2021). Run2012B_DoubleElectron dataset in reduced NanoAOD format for education and outreach. CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.CMS.YRUF.MEMI
Dataset Derived CMS CERN-LHC Parent Dataset:
Dataset in reduced NanoAOD format for education and outreach derived from the primary dataset in AOD format linked below.
This dataset can be used with the following analysis:
Type | Variable | Description |
run | int | Run number |
luminosityBlock | unsigned int | Luminosity block number |
event | unsigned long | Event number |
PV_npvs | int | Number of primary vertices |
PV_x | float | Position of the primary vertex in x direction |
PV_y | float | Position of the primary vertex in y direction |
PV_z | float | Position of the primary vertex in z direction |
nMuon | unsigned int | Number of muons in this event |
Muon_pt | float[nMuon] | Transverse momentum of the muons |
Muon_eta | float[nMuon] | Pseudorapidity of the muons |
Muon_phi | float[nMuon] | Azimuth angle of the muons |
Muon_mass | float[nMuon] | Mass of the muons |
Muon_charge | int[nMuon] | Charge of the muons (either 1 or -1) |
Muon_dxy | float[nMuon] | Distance of the muons to the primary vertex in the transverse plane |
Muon_dxyErr | float[nMuon] | Uncertainty on the distance of the muons to the primary vertex in the transverse plane |
Muon_dz | float[nMuon] | Distance of the muons to the primary vertex in parallel to the beam pipe |
Muon_dzErr | float[nMuon] | Uncertainty on the distance of the muons to the primary vertex in parallel to the beam pipe |
Muon_pfRelIso03_all | float[nMuon] | Muon isolation divided by the transverse momentum in the $R=0.3$ cone |
Muon_pfRelIso04_all | float[nMuon] | Muon isolation divided by the transverse momentum in the $R=0.4$ cone |
nElectron | unsigned int | Number of electrons in this event |
Electron_pt | float[nElectron] | Transverse momentum of the electrons |
Electron_eta | float[nElectron] | Pseudorapidity of the electrons |
Electron_phi | float[nElectron] | Azimuth angle of the electrons |
Electron_mass | float[nElectron] | Mass of the electrons |
Electron_charge | int[nElectron] | Charge of the electrons (either 1 or -1) |
Electron_dxy | float[nElectron] | Distance of the electrons to the primary vertex in the transverse plane |
Electron_dxyErr | float[nElectron] | Uncertainty on the distance of the electrons to the primary vertex in the transverse plane |
Electron_dz | float[nElectron] | Distance of the electrons to the primary vertex in parallel to the beam pipe |
Electron_dzErr | float[nElectron] | Uncertainty on the distance of the electrons to the primary vertex in parallel to the beam pipe |
Electron_pfRelIso03_all | float[nElectron] | Electron isolation divided by the transverse momentum in the $R=0.3$ cone |
MET_pt | float | Missing transverse energy |
MET_phi | float | Azimuth angle of the missing transverse energy |
The datasets were produced with the software available in the record linked below.
These data were derived from the primary datasets linked below using only the validated runs. No further validation was done for the output.
The open data are released under the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data. All releases will have a unique DOI that you are requested to cite in any applications or publications.